Olga Emily Marlin

Born: 12 November 1934, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.
Died: 5 January 2025, Nairobi, Kenya


12 Noon, Saturday, 25 January 2025.

Our Lady and St Michael Church, Crown Rise,

Garston, Watford WD25 0NE, Herts, UK

Father: Ervin Ross Marlin
Mother: Hilda Gerarda van Stockum


1940-1946 Blessed Sacrament School, Chevy Chase, Maryland, U.S.A.
1947 St. Sauveur Academy, Lachine, Montreal, Canada.
1948-1951 St. Paul's Academy, Westmount, Montreal, Canada.
1956 Trinity College, Dublin. MA (Mod. Lang.)
1957 University College, Dublin, H. Dip. Ed.


1961-1978 Principal, Kianda College , Nairobi, Kenya.
1961-2005 Trustee, Kianda Foundation, Nairobi, Kenya.
2005- Member of the Governing Council, Strathmore University.

Author of  To Africa With a Dream (Scepter Publishers, N.J., U.S.A., 2002).

Other information:

Member of Opus Dei . There is an article about Olga here .

Information about the founder of Opus Dei is to be found  here, and documents of the Holy See and the Popes about Opus Dei and its founder is to be found here.