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by Percy Bysshe Shelley

(Transcription of a holograph, dated May 24th 1821, Casa Magni, Lerici, discovered in the Poppadom Memorial Library, University of Eyesore by Danny ‘Don Juan’ Henrey when on a Prawn Biriani Travelling Fellowship)

Sleep, in the Lady’s umber glove, chain mail,
Tar, amber, foam, the petit mort, love-lorn,
Star on the raging tide, hung on the bar,
Quick sable glimmer, visitant unknown,
Dark as the visions spread ’mid coursing air
By agency of inward glance and storm
Darts scalding sweet: lemon ochre tallow,
Drawn from the hand that holds but does not move,
Stains not the glove nor finger on the pulse,
But falls to earth with sunset sorrow blush.
