Broadly, the subject theme of this work can be classified into the semiotic and structurally linguistic semantic paradigmatic diachronic development motifs, and the reconstructive lexemes, whose co-membership prefigures the isomorphic multi-dimensional semantic space syntagmas underlying the fundamental clausal dislocation. What do we mean by this? Essentially, this is a semantic series - i.e. transposing the anti-utopian inter-textual speech-situations to an incongruous metanymity, which archaicises the naive reductionism compounded in our metaphysical Byronism. This may be represented symbolically as follows: -
[{ __Anthony __Mellors}/ --> (b)(y)rOn SOCi.Ety {()} --->---- ([ßull.SH1t)] _ _(k.)(c.)(u.)(f.)_ _(k.)(c.)(u.)(f.)_ _(k.)(c.)(u.)(f.)_
The narratee, in this case a small furry thing from alpha-Centauri, is a lexical constructionistic paradigm, who serves as a paraphysical embodiment of the eleven-dimensional equation of dynamism: deloped by spiritual interpolation. This device, a pecuniary escarpment of the frondose parametric sheaf-collectivisation, is an agro-actual manifold: a hedgerow in the field of semiotic or linguaphonic self-expression, whose stick of literary criticism is a necessary pre-requisite to leading the cattle of symbolic parable into the byre of quasi-comprehensible poetry.
Our initial suspicions of this apparently over-zealous extrapolation are, therefore ploughed up by the tractor of rational lexical analysis, and we are no longer, thereby forced to child-molest the tender fecundity of the semantic paradigm (CH).